

 I am an Associate Professor of Psychology at Bond University and Principal Investigator of the Early Detection of Health Risks and Prevention module in the Future Health Technologies programme at the Singapore-ETH Centre (SEC). Prior to joining Bond, I was a Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Cognitive Science and the GeoGaze Lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich). During this time, I served as co-PI for the Cognition, Perception and Behaviour in Urban Environments project at the Future Cities Laboratory at the SEC. I hold a BA in urban planning and a PhD in geography from the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA, UCL). After my Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience (CCN, UPenn), I served as Chief Science Officer for Strategic Spatial Solutions, Inc.

Scientific achievements

Driven by a passion for interdisciplinary research, I have published high-impact journal articles and book chapters in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, geography, and computer science. I also have a proven track record of securing competitive grants on diverse topics such as navigation, workplace stress, and health technology. Recently, I developed the Spatial Performance Assessment for Cognitive Evaluation (SPACE), an innovative digital tool designed to detect early signs of cognitive impairment by identifying deficits in navigation. SPACE is currently being validated with cohorts of healthy and cognitively impaired individuals in Singapore and Australia to demonstrate its potential as a scalable screening method for clinical and research use.